There are quite a lot of new songs (for a change) added to my Never Ending Mixtape this month.
I am really getting into Courtney Barnett who has a wonderful way of telling tales and making observations. Her raw guitar work and honest voice are hugely appealing and her songs are sprinkled with humour and soul. I'll be blogging on her soon.
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever, Parquet Courts, Snail Mail, Spiritualized, Hinds and GospelbeacH all have new songs out and featuring on the playlist. Snail Mail play Glasgow later in the year and their debut album is beautiful.
Elsewhere we have the three closing tracks from the Stone Roses eponymous debut, a stunning track from Brendan Benson, Car Seat Headrest, The Pastels, Flaming Lips, Mick Jagger and The Charlatans.
Search for Everything Flows Never Ending Mixtape on Spotify or CLICK HERE
Dig in and enjoy the wonderful weather.

Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales - Car Seat Headrest
Berlin Got Blurry - Parquet Courts
San Francisco - Foxygen
French Press - Rolling Backouts Coastal Fever
Canned Tomatoes (Whole) - Courtney Barnett
Basement Scam - The Pastels
Memo From Turner - Mick Jagger
She Don't Use Jelly - The Flaming Lips
Shoot You Down - Stone Roses
This Is The One - Stone Roses
I Am The Resurrection - Stone Roses
Deee-Lite Theme - Deee-Lite
Harry Flowers - Jack Nitzsche
Metarie - Brendan Benson

Heat Wave - Snail Mail
Habit - Snail Mail
The Club - Hinds
I'm Your Man - Spiritualized
Now That I'm A River - Charles Watson
Dreamin' - GospelbeacH
Elevator Operator - Courtney Barnett
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