Friday 23 August 2024

Since Yesterday - The Untold Story of Scottish Girl Bands

The stars of Since Yesterday 

Those of you who visit my blog regularly will likely know that I have a younger sister, Carla, who I am immensely proud of. Carla has a fierce creative energy that burns incredibly bright.  Over the last 7 or so years, quite a lot of that energy has been invested in the making of a documentary entitled SinceYesterday - The Untold Story of Scottish Girl Bands alongside her friend Blair. 

While filming a music video together, an off-the-cuff remark along the lines of 'someone should do a film about Scottish girl bands' resulted in the duo beginning to track down and interview members of bands from the 60's up to present day.

Their time, energy, resilience, empathy, hard work and patience was rewarded earlier this week on Wednesday 21st August when their documentary premiered as the closing film at the Edinburgh International Film Festival

Photo by Euan Robertson

What began as a hobby quickly became quite serious, as Carla balanced being a music obsessive with top notch detective skills. Carla would phone me up enthralled to tell me about her day with Jeanette McKinley from The McKinleys who released Sweet and Tender Romance on Parlaphone in 1964. A young Jimmy Page played guitar with them, they supported The Beatles and played on Ready Steady Go! and with The Stones at Wembley Arena.

Then Carla would tell me about The Ettes who were super DIY punk, Lung Leg who burst out of grunge and riot grrl, Sophisticated Boom Boom, His Latest Flame, The Hedrons and the wonderful tale of getting in a car with Rose from Strawberry Switchblade. Maybe that will make the book ... as there will be so much recorded that didn't make the film.

In 2021 I helped Carla and Blair take their project to the next stage by managing a kickstarter for them. 659 generous people raised almost £29,500 to allow them to develop animation, clear archive footage and bring other people on board. Suddenly, a film was appearing.

Fast forward (and it didn't feel so fast when Carla and Blair were spending weeks on end locked in an editing suite! ) 3-years and the film has arrived!

Since Yesterday is a global story told through a local lense. It's emotional, beautiful, funny, soulful, defiant and it gives a voice to some astonishingly creative, resilient and wonderful women. 

The documentary redefines success, celebrating landmark achievements that have been overlooked by the Scottish music scene and the wider industry at large. Sophisticated Boom Boom (morphing into His Latest Flame) were the first band to play The Barrowland as we know it, as they were the support act for Simple Minds. This is something that I am positive the good folk at The Barrowland will look to highlight in the venue after watching the film.

There are harrowing stories about sexual abuse being common at gigs, bands being dropped (or not even being signed) because a member was pregnant or 'could become' pregnant. Rightly, the film highlights the severe lack of diversity in publishing and at festivals. 

There are memories of how it felt to get in a room and make a noise with friends, reflections on tours, using cardboard boxes for drums and lots of funny stories - Rose McDowall could do stand up! While I love The Hedrons being interviewed together, they come across as a real gang and they giggle their way through the interview - laughing at the absurdity of 12-songs taking them around the world, but then recoiling in horror as they recall the reason why major labels rejected them.

Peel sessions, demo tapes, Smash Hits covers, Top of the Pops, supporting The Stones, Mick Jagger's catwalk, offers, rejections, fall-outs, make-ups, fanzines, touring, fun .... Since Yesterday covers all this and much, much more.

The interviews are moving, everyone opens their hearts to the camera. Carla's passion for music, her own experiences and strong feminist values must have helped with this. Blair has done a magnificent job in filming and congratulations to all the team for pulling together the interviews, old footage, memorabilia, photos and animation to create something that flows beautifully.

Since Yesterday brings us right up to the present day; Hen Hoose, Amplifi, The Cords and many more. Wonderful teenagers and women who are creating, fighting, advocating, inspiring, pushing boundaries and looking out for each other. The DIY ethic and sense of communities that are being created is exceptionally inspiring; focusing on safety, support, platforms and encouraging creativity and co-working. 

Who knows? Maybe in 20-years time there will be another documentary about them. 

Who knows where this film will go? Who will it inspire? But right now, my sister and her friends have united Scottish girl bands from the 60's to present day. They have told their stories and documented them on a film that has brought them together. That in itself, is a remarkable thing. I am intrigued as to what will stem and flower from the energy and community that I was part of for a while at the premiere. Well done to all involved.

I'm super proud of Carla and I am super proud of my youngest daughter Rosie who appears throughout the film, discovering all kinds of Scottish girl bands along the way and making friends to form her own band.

Rosie (natural poser!) and her Aunt Carla on the red carpet

Who knows if Rosie will form a band later in life?! She was buzzing at and after the premiere where she met so many strong women. The film could well position these women as role models for young girls who watch it over the months and years to come.

Here are some links (below) to interviews that Carla and Blair did ahead of and at the premiere. Lots more news to come!