Friday 21 June 2024

Liam Gallagher DM30 in Glasgow

30-years ago this month I caught Oasis for the second time in the old Cathouse in Glasgow when it was based on Brown Street. The band were beginning to break as they released second single Shaker Maker, working their way towards the release of debut album Definitely Maybe in August.

Even though Noel, Liam, Bonehead, Guigsy and Tony were aware that they had songs like Live Forever, Cigarettes & Alcohol and Slide Away ready to go, I doubt anyone on the Cathouse stage or in the crowd that night could have predicted how life changing the band, those songs and that album would become.

Or maybe Noel knew. In the legendary Wibbling Rivalry interview (recorded in a Glasgow hotel after their April show at The Tramway in April 94), Noel hammers home;

Rock n roll is about music. Music, music, music. It's not about you, it's not about me, it's not about Oasis. It's about the songs. Noel Gallagher

Noel was always confident his songs would live on. Before long, buskers were on Buchanan Street playing D'yer Wanna Be A Spaceman, Live Forever and Take Me Away. Gallagher seemed to generate a spike in both acoustic and electric guitar sales. Along with his brother, they no doubt pushed the sales of anoraks and cagoules as well!

Tonight I'm a rock n roll star

It's just rock n roll

It's just rock n roll

Liam Gallagher's mantra at the end of his blistering take on Oasis' Rock n Roll Star really hit home last night. His brothers words are almost casually tossed away in the outro. But .... as 13,000 fans will testify, it's not just rock n roll.

30-years on, it is about; the songs, the attitude, the swagger, the hair, the hope, the dreams and the sense of optimism that Oasis heralded in 1994 with the release of 5 singles and Definitely Maybe. It's more than all that, it's the sense of community Oasis created. It's jubilation, it's punching the sky, hugging and singing with strangers and having the time of your life.

5 lads from a Manchester council estate were mad for it, they were having it, and they blew absolutely everyone and everything away. The ripple effects are still there, they are still growing.

13,000 Oasis fans were in the Hydro last night, but the biggest fan of Noel Gallagher's songs was on stage singing them, with every fibre of his body, every bit of his heart and soul.

Liam was in his element. This is what he was born to do. Sing his brothers songs about dreaming, escapism and love. And of course, Liam Gallagher was born to be a total star.

Look at you now, you're all in my hands tonight

We were gladly in his hands. We were mad for it, like it was 1994 all over again. The stage set up was loosely based on the Definitely Maybe cover, but everyone's eyes were on Liam.

Rock n Roll Star set a high bar, the menacing groove of Columbia followed. Shaker Maker didn't reach those highs, the guitars seemed to go lower and Liam's voice was pushed even higher in the mix. But Up In The Sky sounded super fresh with everyone feeling it.

I can feel you

Can you feel me?

Bring It On Down was searing punk soul and old b-sides Cloudburst and I Will Believe were greeted like long lost friends on stage and in the crowd.

One of many highlights was Liam singing Half A World Away along with every single person inside the Hydro. A beautiful and moving moment, his voice was outstanding.

My favourite Oasis song is probably Fade Away and it was incredible last night, delivered with power, pace and passion. The band ripped through it and it felt electrifying. Another b-side!

But before long, Liam and his band were bringing out the real big guns. Whatever felt like a real anthem, the Hydro felt like a church and everyone was singing this huge Oasis hymn. The melodies of Whatever are really strong, the lyrics are universal - everyone was singing from the bottom of their hearts. 

Then it was Cigarettes & Alcohol and the place was absolutely bouncing, seeming to give Liam an extra shot of energy as he stretched out sssssuuuuunnnnnssssshhhiiiiiinnnnnneeee.

After Married With Children, the band regrouped quickly for a BOOM, BOOM, BOOM encore. Supersonic sounded very aptly named and threatened to take the roof off the Hydro. Slide Away was euphoric and Live Forever was spine tinglingly gorgeous. Liam was in fine voice.

I Am The Walrus sent the crowd home deliriously happy. What a show. What a night.

Morning Glory 30th anniversary shows next year please!

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