Monday 6 March 2017

Introducing Fnuf and the Fairylights

Yesterday (Sunday 5th March) I had a magical sunny afternoon in Kelvingrove Park with my 2 daughters Zoe and Rosie. We had ice-cream, ran around the fountain, played in the swing park, played Pooh sticks and then had the good fortune to stumble across Fnuf and the Fairylights who set up with a portable PA system and played some beautiful, mellow, positive and melodic music that just fitted the Spring day perfectly.

'Hi I'm Fnuf from France and now I live in Govan and these are the Fairylights' was how the lead singer (Fnuf) introduced himself after we wandered around the corner to follow the sound of music.

The second song was The Sun Is Shining and indeed it was. The stripped back 5-piece with Fnuf on guitar and vocals, Trombone and 3 members on percussion, created a brilliant sunshine vibe.

What more could you want on a sunny Sunday in the park? Well Fnuf and the Fairylights had more positive vibes to shine our way - Show Love and We Can All Find Peace being just two of the songs I remember from their set.

Show Love contained a spoken word rap with French accent - it sounded blissful and heartfelt and the five piece all joined in with the chorus to lift it beautifully. Then the trombone took it even higher.

Zoe and Rose had been sent up to throw a few pounds into their guitar case, but after a few songs I asked Zoe if she would like their CD Kelvingroove which was for sale. I was delighted when Fnuf engaged with Zoe and Rosie to hand them stickers which they proudly wore and they took it in turns to clutch the CD as we stayed around in the sunshine to soak up the vibes.

Fnuf told us they were playing a charity night at McChuills that night with an expanded band that I would have loved to have gone to. I definitely intend to seek them out live, although it will be hard to beat watching them in the Kelvingrove sunshine.

Expect a follow up blog and hopefully an interview in the next month or so. You can listen to and buy the album HERE

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