Tuesday 14 January 2014

Refugees by Embrace

I kind of saw this coming; Danny McNamara's Facebook updates, a little teaser video, secret gigs…however as much as I like Embrace and have followed them since before the release of their debut album back in 1998, I didn't foresee such a stunning comeback single.

Embrace are back with their first new material since 2006, with Danny McNamara stating the band had been away so long because they were unwilling to return with an album unless it was better than their 1998 debut 'The Good Will Out'.

"That was the rule we set, and I think we've done that. If I was going to explain Embrace to a person that had never heard us, I'd play them 'All You Good, Good People', from our first album, 'Ashes' from 'Out Of Nothing' and this new album from start to finish."

"Some people who've heard the single have said it's not what they'd expect from us and that it doesn't sound like Embrace, but I think we've always moved things forward and tried new things. We've been away for quite a while, and for us this feels like natural evolution." 

Source - nme.com

It is a bullish statement, backed up by 'Refugees', the first single to be taken from their forthcoming eponymous album 'Embrace' that will be released in late April.

Beats kick in before melancholic piano chords are played over the top, bubbling synth comes in before Danny McNamara starts singing better than I have ever heard him before.

Nothing is rushed, much like the album which McNamara says that they have been working on for 5-years, only finishing it last week.

The chorus lifts things higher, soaring and flowing superbly. And things just keep getting better!

Following the second chorus, there is a brilliant synth instrumental that builds into a crescendo lasting for a full minute before McNamara comes back in sounding all reflective and beautiful.

I've always enjoyed seeing Embrace live, including some classic shows at King Tut's and the Barrowland. I hope they return to Glasgow soon. They have announced some small Scottish shows HERE.

Have to say that I am blown away by this. Check the video below;


  1. Great to have Embrace again in my life! Amazing band and song, love Refugees new single :)

  2. mate it's a great track, but it's not Danny singing, it's Rick.

  3. Hi Bert its both Rick and Danny! The new track Refugees is amazing, I pre-ordered the EP and downloaded it straight away. Can't wait to hear the rest of the tracks on the EP when they are released, and a new album in the spring. In the meantime I'll just have to do with seeing them live, always an amazing experience. BRING ON DUNDEE!!!

  4. You Lucky Lucky People of Scotland getting to see this band first, Great to have Embrace back in our life, but so envious you get to see them first

  5. Great tune. Very impressed with refugees, if they've got 9 more like that 2014 is most definitely the year of Embrace, can't wait for the highlands tour. Met them a few times, excellent bunch of guys!

  6. Great new single, where have you been Embrace!? Had forgotten how great you are !! Welcome back, can't wait for more!

  7. So glad that Embrace are back, there’s been a huge hole in the music industry whilst they’ve been creating genius but now they are here we realise the wait has been worth it!………………Embrace have returned stronger, the new sound is addictively exciting and the Secret Gigs and live performances have literally blown our minds! Richard is sounding incredible in Refugees and Danny's closing verse is enough to bring you to tears it's so gorgeous..........I can’t wait for the coming single release Refugees and the new Album EMBRACE, April 2014 can’t come soon enough!

  8. Just having Embrace back is going to make 2014 a special year. The new single 'refugees' is simply stunning, a new sound but still Embrace as we know and love. If the album is anything like this we are in for one massive treat. Check them out on tour, they're simply one of the best live bands you'll see.
